OM0016 – Quality Management

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
“Operations Management” Specialization
OM 0016 – Quality Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1341)
Marks 60
Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions.

Q1.a. Explain any two standards of data quality.                                             5 marks(150-200) words


Results-focused development programming requires managers to design and implement programs based on evidence. Since data play a central role in establishing effective performance management systems, it is essential to ensure good data quality (see Figure 1). Without this, decision makers do not know whether to have confidence

b. Explain the contributions of Ishikawa and Taguchi in the field of quality
in brief                                                                                                                        5 marks(150-200) words

Answer :  Kaoru Ishikawa:
Dr. K.Ishikawa was a Japanese quality guru, developed the concept of deployment of
quality control circle – small groups of people that meet regularly to plan and carry
out process changes to improve

Q2.a. Elucidate the features of Six Sigma.                                                           5 marks(150-200) words

Answer : The term ‘Six Sigma’ originated from terminology associated with the statistical modeling of manufacturing processes. The capability of a manufacturing process can be described by a sigma rating indicating its yield, or the percentage of defect-free products it creates. A six-sigma process is one in which 99.99999% of the

b. What are the benefits of implementing a QMS?                                               5 marks(150-200) words

Answer :  Benefits of ISO 9000 and other management systems

Customer/Marketing Benefits

·         Greater focus on customer requirements and customer service

·         Conveys commitment to quality and

Q3. Explain the goals and programs of strategic plan.                                      10 marks(300-400) words
Answer :  Where many organizations go wrong with strategic planning is at the very outset. They wander off blindly without spending time to discuss the primary focus of their strategic planning process. After all, the fundamental purpose of strategic planning is to align the mission and the vision. Without mission and vision, the plan

Q4. What are the benefits of indicators for quality improvement?               10 marks(300-400) words

Answer :  Indicators for Quality Improvement

What is IQI?
Developed in partnership with clinicians, you can use the Indicators for Quality improvement for benchmarking and improving local services. You can download data and view detailed metadata for over 200 indicators.

How do I access the indicators?
View the indicators and download data by visiting the Indicators for Quality Improvement website. You can access the indicators by
Q5. What are the important components of retest reliability?                           10 marks(300-400) words


Reliability is, in essence, the extent to which a measurement method is “consistent with itself.”  There are two important aspects of reliability.  The first is the extent to which a measurement method produces the same score for the same case under the same conditions. This is called test-retest reliability.  The second is the

Q6. What are different conditions which a company has to ensure before the implementation of the Cost of Quality?                                                                                                 10 marks(300-400)words


A manufacturer stays in business only as long as his product quality satisfies his customers at the price they are prepared to pay. Failure to maintain an adequate quality standard can therefore be disastrous. But maintaining an adequate standard of quality also costs effort. From the first investigation to find out what the potential customer for a new product really wants, through the processes of design, specification,

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