OM0015 – Maintenance Management

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 4
“Operations Management” Specialization
OM 0015 – Maintenance Management (4 credits)
(Book ID: B1340)
Marks 60
Note: Assignment Set -1 must be written within 6-8 pages. Answer all questions.

Q1.a. What Maintenance policies to be pursued by the operations manager to
reduce failures and improve productivity?                        5 marks   (150-200) words

Answer :   1. Breakdown maintenance :
It means that people waits until equipment fails and repair it. Such a thing could be used when the equipment failure does not

b. Explain components of work execution                      . 5 marks(150-200) words

Answer : Work Execution & Planning


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Q2.a. What is meant by MTBF? How this measurement will help
maintenance management to understand the conditions of the
machines and equipment?                                              5 marks  (150-200) words


Manufacturing today is becoming increasingly competitive. Production processes have been squeezed for the last pound per hour, for one more component per shift. The production equipment itself is one of the few remaining areas in plant operation where significant gains can be made. To maintain your manufacturing leadership,

b. Explain how important are the catalogues, manuals and other circuit
and flow diagrams for effective maintenance practices.  5 marks(150-200) words


The purpose of this manual is to provide an update of acceptable and effective maintenance
and operations management “best” practices and current standards for FSCJ facilities. The
procedures are modeled from the Maintenance and Operations Administrative Guidelines for
School Districts and Community Colleges (

Q3. Explain how the decision making processes are carried out during the
breakdown and preventive maintenance.                        10 marks(300-400) words

Answer :  Introduction

The definition of maintenance often stated maintenance as an activity carried out for any equipment to ensure its reliability to perform its functions. Maintenance to most people is any activity carried out on an asset in order to ensure that the asset continues to perform its intended functions, or to repair any equipment that has failed, or to keep the equipment running, or to restore to its favorable operating condition. Over the

Q4. What are the important functions of maintenance department?      10 marks (300-400) words

Answer :  The Maintenance Function

Maintenance to many organizations is a word which provides little value to an organization when in fact it provides great value to any company when development, management, and discipline are applied.  I think what is most misunderstood about maintenance is the true objective of the function. The objective of maintenance is to maintain the assets of a company so that they meet the reliability needs at an optimal cost.


Q5. Why detail analysis and use of different methods are essential requirements for taking suitable decisions on the equipment replacements? Explain briefly these methodologies used. 10 marks(300-400) words

Answer : Replacing computing equipment before it is obsolete is a daunting challenge. Hardware vendors offer the latest technology at a rapid pace and new versions of software quickly take advantage of the new capacity. Are the effective management of technology, a constrained budget and limited technical staff resources mutually

Q6. Explain as to how the maintenance planning will help improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation                                                                                                10 marks(300-400)words

Answer :  Most asset-intensive organisations recognise that efficient and effective maintenance Planning and Scheduling is one of those cornerstone processes that can help assure equipment reliability and assist with attaining excellence in operations.  The benefits of good Maintenance Planning and Scheduling are numerous, and include:

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