ML0018-Project Management in Retail

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DRIVE-Fall 2014
SUBJECT CODE & NAME-ML0018-Project Management in Retail
BK ID-B 1844
CREDIT & MARKS- 4 Credits, 60 marks

Q.1. Explain Sensitivity Analysis and the ways in which it is carried out (Explanation of sensitivity analysis, Explanation of four ways) 2, 8


Sensitivity analysis

As the term clearly indicates, sensitivity analysis is a technique in which the sensitivity of profit (or net present value or internal rate of return) to the change in one particular project-variable is studied. The philosophy that ‘only a few factors may warrant management attention’, is embedded in the sensitivity analysis. The vital few have to be identified, as they finally matter for the success of the pr

Q.2. Explain Detailed Project Report and Critical areas of concern for a successful retail store. (Explanation of Detailed project report, Explanation of critical areas) 2, 8


Detailed Project Report (DPR)

Detailed Project Report (DPR) is a project implementation guide for the project team. A detailed project is prepared in several large volumes. The contents of a detailed project report include some major information like:

Q.3. Describe the steps involved in Network Planning Techniques. 10


Steps Involved in Network Planning Techniques

Some steps must be followed for the preparation of a network diagram or critical path model and their application in retail project management decisions. Withoutdistinguishing the network diagram and critical path, these steps can be listed as follows:

Q.4. Every team member has a different attitude towards work which leads to chances of conflict”. Explain the treatments used to overcome the conflict in projects in retail. (Reasons for conflict in a team, Explanation of Methods/Treatments) 2, 8


Reasons for conflict in a team

Project teams are generally made by pooling in talents from different departments from the organization or by appointing outside experts or both. In such scenario, the team members come together for a specific task for a short period of time and may also be handling dual responsibilities. The team members are aware that they are pooled in for special purpose considering their expertise or special skills that is helpful for the completion of the project. Hence, every team member has a

Q.5. “New ideas are fuel to any organization process”. Explain the Judgmental process in the light of the above statement. (Meaning, Components) 1,9


Judgemental Process

New ideas are fuel to any organization. Especially in retail, where the whole business is market driven, constant inflow of new ideas to improve upon the existing systems are most desired. Project ideas first pass through a brainstorming process. This is a judgmental process, where all those who participate in brainstorming would rely on their own knowledge and perception

Q.6. Write short notes on: a) Gantt Chart b) Fishbone Diagrams 5, 5


a)      Gantt Chart

Gantt Charts (also known as Gantt Diagrams) are useful tools for analysing andplanning more complex projects. They:
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These are just questions for reference . To check samples see our latest uploads in blog archive or search assignments .
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