BCA - First semester - JNU solved assignments


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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -101

Paper Title:        Introduction to Information Technology



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)


(i). What is algorithm ? Explain with example.

(ii) What is computer ?Explain uses of personal computer model.

(iii). Discuss history of computers in brief ?

(iv). Explain different types of computers.

(v). Explain conversion from binary number system to octal hexadecimal with example.


Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.5. Explain different data representation methods.

Q.7. Explain different input and output devices with their uses.

Q.8. Explain different types of memories in computer.






School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -101

Paper Title:        Introduction to Information Technology



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)


(i).Explain structure of instruction in

(ii) What is computer ?Explain uses of personal computer model.

(iii). Discuss history of computers in brief ?

(iv). Explain different types of computers.

(v). Explain conversion from binary number system to octal hexadecimal with example.


Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.1. Explain internal structure of basic processor..

Q.2.Write short notes on the follwing :

       (A) Intel I7           (B) core2 quad            (C) Moore's Law         (D) OSI model

Q.3. Explain Cyber Laws, Cyber Crime, Cyber contract. Explain different measures to get rid of the

Security problems.





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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -102

Paper Title:        PC-Software



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)



(i)  What is DOS? Explain the internal and external DOS commands with example.

(ii)  Discuss the booting process in computers.

(iii) Descibe the vaious steps involved in mail merge of Microsoft Word.

(iv) How excel 2007 is different from previous versions of excel?

(v)  Explain the basic steps for creating Power Point slide.



Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.2. Explain the layered structure of windows 7 in detail.

Q.3. What is control panel? Describe in detail various components of control panel.

Q.4. Explain the basic steps for creating Power Point slide.




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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -102

Paper Title:        PC-Software



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)



(i)   What is FAT? Explain

(ii)  Expalin the Taskbar and Start menu in windows operating system

(iii) What are the menus and command in MS Word?

(iv) What are the new features in Excel 2007? Discuss

(v)  What are the uses of animations and transitions in MS Power Point?



Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.2. Explain the different components of windows desktop in detail.

Q.3. What is a handout? Explain the steps to create it in detail.

Q.4. Write short notes on the following:-


(i) Microsoft Publisher                                    (ii) Coreldraw








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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -103

Paper Title:        Problem solving thorugh 'C" Programming



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)


(i). Explain algorithm for printing fibnocci series.

(ii) Explain Design error, Syntax, runime error and logic erros.

(iii). Explain constants in C?

(iv). Explain different types of veriable in C.

(v). Explain different operators in C.


Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.5. Explain different control structure in C..

Q.7. Explain multi dimentional array in C

Q.8. Explain file Input output in C.




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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -103

Paper Title:        Problem solving through 'C' Programming



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)


(i).Explain different flow Chart symbols.

(ii) Explain use of  Pointers in C.

(iii).Discuss different types of Arrays in C?

(iv). Explain Swithc case in C.

(v). Explain relational operator in C with example.


Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.1. Explain different keywords in C. Also explain structure of a C program.

Q.2.Write short notes on the follwing :

       (A) Bitwise operator        (B) Associativiety of operators           (C) Expression

       (D) Structures in C           (E) Read & Write opration in file

Q.3.Explain Array of structures may be created explain with a example of program

      having student structure with different types of variable. input atleat 10 students








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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -104

Paper Title:        Basic Electronics



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i). What is semiconductor?

(ii) What is diode resistant?

(iii). Explain the drift currents.

(iv). What is Rectifiers?

(v). Write any two difference between PNP and NPN Transistor.




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.1. Explain the Hall Effect.

Q.2. Explain about Zener diode and its application.

Q.3. Explain the input and output characteristics of a transistor in CB configuration.



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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -104

Paper Title:        Basic Electronics



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i). What is audio power amplifier?

(ii) What is LED?

(iii). Briefly explain about thermistor.

(iv). What is junction FET.

(v). Define the Pinch off voltage.




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.1. Explain about circuit diagram of LDR and uses.

Q.2. Explain the MOSFET ,basic construction of MOSFET and its characteristics.

Q.3. Explain RC coupled transistor amplifier.





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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA - 105

Paper Title:        Basic Mathematics



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(I)                Simplify the expression (4x3)2 + x3 (x3+2x) +3x4.

(II)             Solve the equation. –(-x-5) + 5(x-9) = 2(x+8)-(2x+5)

(III)          Solve by using the addition method.

0.4x - 0.6y = 0.5

0.2x – 0.3y = 0.7

       (IV)    What is the degree of the polynomial 2x9 + 7x3 + 191?

        (V)     Simplify (2x + 5y) + (3x – 2y)



Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. (a) The formula C=23.95d+0.15(m-780) is used to compute the cost or renting car.

            Compute the value of C when d=7 and m=956.


      (b) The formula A=P (1+r/n) r is used in investment computation. Compute the value of A

            When P=8000, r=0.08, n=4, and t=15.


Q2. Show that the following system is consistent if and only if c=2a-3b and solve the system in this case





Q3. Solve each system by either the substitution or elimination by addition method.

            1/2x + 1/3y = 2/3

            1/3x + 1/5y = 7/15



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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA - 105

Paper Title:        Basic Mathematics



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(I)                Solve the equation. x2 + -5x + 6=0

(II)             Solve the term, (√8 + √6) (√3 + √2).

(III)          Solve the equation, 2x2 + 5x + 3 = 0.

(IV)          Let S = {1, 2, 3}. How many subsets does S contain?

(V)             What are the basic concepts of sets? How many types of sets there are?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits 500)

Q1. The width of a rectangle is 15 cm less than 3 times the length. If the area is 42 square cm.

        Find the dimensions of the rectangle.


Q2. Use the quadratic formula to solve the following quadratic equations.

(A)  x2 – 5x – 2 = 0

(B)   3x2 + 12x + 2 = 0


Q3. If A= {4, 5}, B= {6, 7}, C = {7, 8}, then find

            [(A * B)] U (B * C)]





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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 1


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -106

Paper Title:        Computer Organization



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i). What are the components of electronics?

(ii) Differentiate between Schottky and Zener diode.

(iii). What are the control unit and its functions?

(iv). what is skip instructions?

(v). What are the accumulators?




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.1. What is IC? Explain the different generations of IC.

Q.2. What is difference between hardwired and microprogrammed implementation of control unit?

Q.3. What is meant by addressing mode? Explain at least five different addressing modes with an example.




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School of Distance Education & Learning

Internal Assignment No. 2


Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)


Paper Code:       BCA -106

Paper Title:        Computer Organization



Last Date of submission:                                                      Max. Marks:  15


Note:    Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students. It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)




(i). What are the stack pointers?

(ii) Differentiate between RAM and ROM.

(iii).Write a short note on tunneling.

(iv). What are the characteristics of bus?

(v). Write any two difference between a microcontroller and microprocessors.




Note:  Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (Word limits  500)

Q.1. Describes the I/O cards in personal computers.

Q.2. Briefly explain the following:

      (a) EPROM    (b) cache memory (c) virtual memory (d) main memory

Q.3. Explain the pin description of 8085 microprocessor.







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