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CODE & NAME MU0011 – Management and Organizational Development
& MARKS-4 Credits, 60 marks
Q.1. Define Organizational Development (OD).What
are the characteristics of OD? (Definition of Organizational Development,
Explain the characteristics of OD) 2,8
Organisational Development
In its widest sense, OD is a planned
approach to improve employee and organisational effectiveness. This
can be achieved by conscious interventions in those processes and
structures that have an immediate bearing on the human aspects of
the organisation. OD is the act, process, or result of furthering,
advancing or promoting the growth of an organisation.
Q2. As an HR, you find that the OD professional in
your organization is not competent enough. What are the competencies you will
consider in a good OD professional?
(Explain any ten competencies required for OD
professional) 10
Competencies required for OD professional
To be effective, all OD practitioners must possess
the following basic knowledge, skills and attitudes which are listed below:
1. Intrapersonal
skills: As
OD is a highly, uncertain process which requires constant adjustment and
innovation, OD practitioner must possess good learning skills and must have
values, feelings, purposes
and integrity that helps in building the
relationships in a smooth and cordial way.
Q3. Discuss the Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
(Explain the ethical dilemmas in practicing OD) 10
Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD
“Ethical dilemmas” are the results of behaviours
and inappropriate actions or roles on the part of both change agents and client
systems. Ethical problems and dilemmas are, therefore, a mutual responsibility
of change agents and client systems, dependent largely on the nature of their specific
relationship. Ethical problems and dilemmas faced by OD practitioners may leave
OD’s scientific and professional progression in a disadvantageous position.
This happens unless an agreement can be reached as to the types of ethical
dilemmas and the points, at which they are likely to be encountered. Now, you
will understand with the help of the model given in figure 6.5 which explains
how ethical dilemmas can occur in OD.
Q.4.What is Performance Appraisal? What are the
purposes and characteristics of Performance Appraisal? Describe the steps in
Performance Appraisal System. (Definition of Performance Appraisal, Describing
the purposes of Performance Appraisal, Describing the characteristics of
Performance Appraisal, Explanation of the steps in Performance Appraisal
System) 1,2,3,4
Performance Appraisal
Performance appraisal refers to the analysing and
evaluating the performance
of the employees in fulfilling the duties, roles and responsibilities
that have been assigned to them. It is therefore a systematic process
of assessing the achievements that are related to the work, its strength
and weaknesses. It thus, helps to identify the areas for the enhancement
of performance and helps in enhancing the professional growth.
The Performance Appraisal shows the link between reward systems and
goal setting process.
Q5. What is a Learning Organization? Discuss the
attributes of a learning organization. Explain the various learning disciplines
in learning organization
(Definition of a Learning organization, Describing
the attributes, Explaining the five basic learning disciplines) 2,3,5
Learning organization
The figure states that in the condition of
antecedent, the OD practitioners and the client system have their own set of
goals, values, needs, skills and abilities. These differences may or may not be
pointed out in the entry and the contracting phase. So when OD professionals
and client are not aware of their responsibilities then this may result in the
role conflict and role ambiguity. Thus, the outcome of role conflict and role
ambiguity may give rise to the ethical dilemmas which are explained below:
Q6. Write short notes :
a) Role Analysis Technique(RAT)
b) Reward Systems
(Meaning and steps in RAT, Meaning, objectives and
types of rewards) 5,5
Meaning and steps in RAT
It is a technique designed to clarify role
expectation. Role Analysis Techniques (RAT) has been
developed by Dayal (1969) for redefining the
managerial roles in an organisation. The set of behaviours or attitudes
associated with a particular position in a group is called a role.
students get fully solved SMU MBA Fall
2014 assignments
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