BCA212 – Data Structure and Algorithm

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PROGRAM - Bachelor of Computer Application – BCA
SUBJECT CODE & NAME - BCA212 – Data Structure and Algorithm
BK ID B1640 NUMBER OF ASSIGNMENTS, CREDITS & MARKS 2, 4 Credits, 30 marks each

Assignment Set -1 Questions

Q1 Explain Adjacency Matrix and Incidence matrix form of representing a graph. 5+5
Adjacency matrix
 It is a two-dimensional Boolean matrix to store the information about the graph nodes. Here the rows and columns represent source and destination vertices and entries in the matrix indicate whether an edge exists between the vertices

Q2 Explain in detail the traversing and searching of linked list. 5+5
Traversing a Linked List Traversing a linked list means processing each node of list exactly once. The linked list in

Q3 Discuss the stack data structure with Push () and Pop () operation. 10
A stack is a data structures in which insertion and deletion of items are made at the one end, called the top of the stack

Assignment Set -2 Questions

Q1 Write the Algorithm for sorting by Partitioning.
In merge sort, the file a[1:n] was divided at its midpoint into subarrays which were independently sorted and later merged.
In quick sort,

Q2 Explain the Concept of travelling Salesman Problem 
A tour of G is a directed simple cycle that includes every vertex in V. The cost of the tour is the sum of the cost of the edges on the tour. The travelling salesperson problem is to find a tour of minimum cost. Let G=(V,E) be a

Q3 Explain how Dijkstra’s algorithm is used to find the shortest path of Directed weighted graph.
This algorithm is used to find the shortest path between the two vertices in a weighted directed graph and it is also very popular and efficient to find each and every path from starting (source) to terminal vertices.  Let w(vi , vj ) be the weight associated with every edge (vi , vj ) in a given weighted directed graph G.  Let us define that the weights are such that the

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