BCA 2nd Sem WINTER 2013 Solved Assignments

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Q. No. 1 Differentiate between Objects and Classes
[5+5] 10
Answer: Objects can be a menu or button in an graphic user interface program or it may be an employee in an payroll application. Objects can also represent a data structure such as a stack or a linked list. It may be a server or a client in a networking environment.
Objects with the same data structure and behavior are grouped together as class. In other words, Objects are “instances” of a class. Classes are templates that provide definition to the objects of similar type. Objects are like variables created whenever necessary in the program. For example, Employee may be a class and Pawan, Sujay and Ganesh are objects of the class employees. Just as you can create as many

2 Explain about friend functions and friend classes in detail
Answer: Friend functions can be declared anywhere within a class declaration, but it is common practice to list friends at the beginning of the class. The public and protected keywords do not apply to friend functions, as the class has no control over the scope of friends.
If we want to declare an external function as friend of a class, thus allowing this function to have access to the private and protected members of this class, we do it by declaring a prototype of this external function

3 Differentiate between Constructors and Destructors
Constructors are member functions of a class which have same name as the class name. Constructors are called automatically whenever an object of the class is created. This feature makes it very useful to initialize the class data members whenever a new object is created. It also can perform any other function that needs to be performed for all the objects of the class without explicitly specifying it.
A constructor only knows how to build an object of its own class.

4 Discuss operator overloading. What are the advantage and disadvantage of operator overloading in brief.
Operator overloading is an interesting feature of C++ that allows programmers to specify how various arithmetic, relational and many other operators work with user defined data types or classes. It provides a flexible way to work with classes and can make program code look obvious. To perform addition of two distance objects we used a call d3.add(d1,d2). Instead of such statements it would be more clear if we could use statements like d3=d1+d2. This is possible only if we inform compiler about how + operator works with distance class. This is exactly what operator overloading feature in C++ does. It helps to use

5 Explain the concept of virtual function and polymorphism in OOPS with example.
Virtual means existing in effect but not in reality. Virtual functions are primarily used in inheritance. Let us suppose you have a class base as shown in the following program and two classes derv1 and derv2 are publicly derived from class base. You would like to create a pointer that points to any of the derived class objects. If you create a pointer of derv1, then it can point to derv1 object only. Compiler will complain if you assign any other object is assigned to the pointer. The solution is to create a pointer to Base class.

6 Describe the two basic exception handling models.
If you encounter an exceptional situation in your code – that is, one where you don’t have enough information in the current context to decide what to do – you can send information about the error into a larger context by creating an object containing that information and “throwing” it out of your current context. This is called throwing an exception. Here’s what it looks like: throw myerror(“something bad happened”); myerror is an ordinary class, which takes a char* as its argument. You can use any type when you throw (including built-in types), but often you’ll use special types created just for throwing

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Q. No. 1 What is nonverbal communication? Give five examples for non-verbal communication
5+5= 10
Non-verbal communication
Non-verbal communication means the messages that do not contain words.
In this type of communication, words are not used in the process of sending and receiving messages. You may wonder, “How is this possible?” It is a proven fact that most of our communication through words

2 What are the prosodic features of speech?
  Prosodic features (sometimes known as suprasegmental phonology) are those aspects of speech which go beyond phonemes and deal with the auditory qualities of sound. In spoken communication, we use and interpret these features without really thinking about them. There are various conventional ways of representing them in writing, although the nuances are often hard to convey on paper.

3 Define hearing and Listening. How is ‘hearing’ different from ‘listening’
Listening is a highly complex, interactive process, “by which spoken language is converted to meaning in the mind” (Lundsteen, 1979). As this definition suggests, listening is more than just hearing, although children and adults often use the two terms, hearing and listening, synonymously.
Hearing is only one important component of listening.
In order to become a good learner, you need to become a good listener.

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Q.No 1 What is signed number? Briefly explain the best-known methods of extending the binary numeral system to represent signed numbers.
[4+6] 10
Answer: In computing, signed number representations are required to encode negative numbers in binary number systems. In mathematics, '+' sign is used for a positive number and ‘−‘sign for negative numbers in any base. However, in computer hardware, numbers are represented in bit vectors only without extra symbols. The best-known methods of extending the binary numeral system to represent signed numbers are:
i) Sign-and-magnitude method
ii) Ones' complement method

2 Explain the Programmer’s Model of 8086.
Answer: programmer’s model of 8086 is the most important concept to study in the 8086 model. Figure 4.4 shows the register organisation of 8086. This is termed as the Programmer’s model of 8086.
The registers shown in the programmer’s model are the one accessible to the programmer. Register set is the most visible component of the CPU. The 80x86

3 Explain the four micro operations involved in the instruction cycle. 10
Each phase of instruction cycle can be decomposed into a sequence of elementary operations called micro operations. Thus there is one sequence of micro operation in every phase for every op code. The flow chart of all the sequence of micro operations is tied up together and is as shown in figure 5.3. Here we assume a new 2 bit register called instruction cycle code (ICC). The ICC values give the state of the CPU and

4 What is Cache Memory? Explain the principle of cache memory with relevant diagrams.
[2+8] 10
Answer: For all instruction cycles, the CPU accesses the memory at least once to fetch the instruction and sometimes again accesses memory to fetch the operands. The rate at which the CPU can execute instructions is limited by the memory cycle time. This limitation is due to the mismatch between the memory cycle time and processor cycle time. Ideally, the main memory should be built with the same technology as that of CPU registers, giving memory cycle times comparable to processor cycle times but this is a too expensive strategy. The solution is to exploit the principle of locality by providing a small, fast

5 What is the difference between Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Transfer?
[5+5] 10
Answer: Asynchronous and synchronous communication represents methods through which signals are transferred in computing technology. Such signals permit computers to move data between components inside the computer or between an external network and the computer. Majority of the operations and actions which occur in computers are carefully controlled and happen at particular times and intervals. The data transfer on the system bus might be synchronous or asynchronous.

6 What is Multiprocessing? State two advantages and disadvantages of multiprocessing. How is it different form multitasking?
[2+4+4] 10
Answer: Multiprocessing is concerned with the capability of a computer system to provide support to more than one processor or the capability to accomplish more than one program simultaneously. The term multiprocessing is also used to describe interconnected computers’ configurations or computers with two or more independent CPUs that have the ability to simultaneously execute several programs. In such a system, instructions from different and independent programs are processed at the same time by different CPUs or the CPUs may execute different instructions from the same program.

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Q.No 1 What is a data structure? Briefly explain the types of data structures.
[4 + 6]= 10
Answer: Data structure represents the logical relationship of the particular data sets.
Data structures can be divided in to two types
· Linear data structure
· Non Linear data structure

Q2 Explain the algorithm for evaluation of a postfix expression. Also give one example.
[6+4] 10
Evaluation of a postfix expression
Suppose we have an arithmetic expression written in postfix notation. By using STACK we are going to evaluate the expression. The following algorithm, which uses a stack to hold operands, evaluates the expression.

Q3 Explain any five types of Graph. 10
Depending upon the vertices and edges and the weight associated to it, graphs can be classified as:

1) Undirected graph: In Undirected Graph, the directions of edges are not assigned. Edges in the Undirected graph only connect to each other. In an undirected graph, edge (v1,v2) is equivalent to edge (v2,v1) since they are unassigned.

Q4 Explain the steps involved in Prim's Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm. Illustrate it with one example
[5+5] 10
In Prim's algorithm for the minimum spanning tree problem, the strategy is to   begin with a single node in a graph. We start with ({v1},{ }), and grow further until it includes all vertices in the given graph. Initially the tree contains just an arbitrary starting node v1. At each stage a vertex not yet in the tree but closest (lower in weight) to some vertex that is in the tree is found. This closest vertex is added to the tree.

Q5 Elaborate the steps involved in the analysis of first prefix- averages with its algorithm. 10
Analysis of First-Averages
The different steps involved in the analysis of first averages is discussed below

Step 1: Initialization step for setting up of the array A [1. .n] takes constant time, say, C1, in view of the fact that for the purpose, only address of (or of A[1] is to be passed. Also after all the values of B [1...n]

Q6 Briefly explain Greedy Method Strategy. 10
The greedy method suggests that one can device an algorithm that works in stages, considering one input at a time. At each stage, a decision is made regarding whether a particular input is in an optimal solution. This is done by considering the inputs in an order determined by some selection procedure.
If the inclusion of the next input into the partially constructed optimal solution will result in an infeasible solution, then this input is not added to the partial solution. Otherwise, it is added. The 

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Q. No 1 Differentiate between Simple Batch Operating Systems and Time-sharing Operating Systems.5+5=10 marks
Simple Batch Operating Systems
In the earliest days digital computers usually run from a console. I/O devices consisted of card readers, tape drives and line printers. Direct user interaction with the system did not exist. Users made a job consisting of programs, data and control information. The job was submitted to an operator who would execute the job on the computer system. The output appeared after minutes, hours or sometimes days. The user collected the output from the operator, which also included a memory dump. The operating system was very simple and its major task was to transfer control from one job to another.

Q2 What is the best methodology available to create a modular kernel? List the seven types of loadable kernel modules in Solaris. 3+7=10
Perhaps the best current methodology for operating-system design involves using object-oriented programming techniques to create a modular kernel. Here, the kernel has a set of core components and dynamically links in additional services either during boot time or during run time. Such a strategy uses dynamically loadable modules and is common in modern implementations of UNIX, such as Solaris, Linux and MacOS. For example, the Solaris operating system structure is organized around a core kernel with seven types of loadable kernel modules:

Q3. Explain the following scheduling algorithm.
a) First come First served
b) Shortest Job First
5+5=10 marks.
Answer: Scheduling algorithms differ in the manner in which the CPU selects a process in the ready queue for execution. In this section, we shall describe several of these algorithms.
a)     First-Come-First-Served

Q4. Define deadlock. Discuss any four conditions that leads to deadlock.
2+8=10 marks
 Several processes compete for a finite set of resources in a multi-programmed environment. A process requests for resources that may not be readily available at the time of the request. In such a case the process goes into a wait state. It may so happen that this process may never change state because the requested resources are held by other processes which themselves are waiting for additional resources and hence in a wait state. This situation is called a deadlock.

Q5. Write short notes on:
a) Segmentation
Answer: Segmentation is a memory management scheme that supports user’s view of main memory described above. The logical address is then a collection of segments, each having a name and a length. Since it is easy to work with numbers, segments are numbered. Thus a logical address is represented as <segment number, offset>. User programs when compiled reflect segments present in the input. Loader while loading segments into memory assign them segment numbers.

Segmentation hardware
Even though segments in user view are same as segments in physical view, the two-dimensional visualization in user view has to be mapped on to a one-dimensional sequence of physical memory

Q6 What is computer virus? List the types of virus and its various infection methods

Computer Virus
A computer virus is written with an intention of infecting other programs. It is a part of a program that piggybacks on to a valid program. It differs from the worm in the following ways:

 Worm is a complete program by itself and can execute independently whereas virus does not operate independently.·
 Worm consumes only system resources but virus causes direct harm to the system by corrupting code as well as data.·
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