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Q1) Describe the business opportunity in construction industry? (Marks 9)

Answer: a) Construction Company failure: Construction Company Failure Root Causes are:
·         Working for customers instead of clients and not charging enough (The 80-20 Rule)
·         Not using Additional Work Orders or Change Orders (Click For FREE Change Order Template)
·         Cash flow issues kill contractors even though they have profit
·         Changes in their operations due to contingencies beyond their control
·         Contractors are subject matter experts in a few areas then believe they know everything
·         Sales tax liens against contractors

b) Need to Build Competence: Building the competency to manage change is not like installing a new technological system or training on a new skill or process. Becoming competent at managing change requires a transformation in the way your organization and the individuals within the organization view and react to change. It targets the foundation of how the organization operates, and how those within the organization see themselves in relation to change. The goal of building the competency to manage change is to

c) How does it help owners?

Like the five blind men encountering different parts of an elephant, each of the numerous participants in the process of planning, designing, financing, constructing and operating physical facilities has a different perspective on project management for construction. Specialized knowledge can be very beneficial, particularly in large and complicated projects, since experts in various specialties can provide valuable services. However, it is advantageous to understand how the different parts of the process fit to

Q2) Explain the all constitute of tender documents? (Marks 12)

Answer: Ideally, tender documents should be broken down into a series of packages (even if there will only be one main contract) each with its own design drawings and specifications suitable to be issued by the main contractor to potential sub-contractors. This makes the tender easier to price for the contractor and easier to compare with other tenderers for the client. It is important when this is done to ensure that the

a) Instruction to Tenderer:This Instructions to Tenderer, in so far as they may affect or relate to the execution of the Contract shall be deemed to form part of the Contract. The Invitation to Tender Letters are short and

b) Form of Tender: Tenders or bids have to be in writing. Each tender has a number of associated forms which must accompany the tender you submit. The specific forms you require for your tender should be listed in the tender

c) Drawing and Specifications:Construction  drawings  are  the  main  basis  for defining   required   construction   activities   and   for measuring quantities of material. Accurate estimating requires  a  thorough  examination  of  the  drawings.  All notes  and  references  should  be  read  carefully,  and  all details and reference drawings should be examined. The orientation  of  sectional  views  should  be  checked carefully.

d) Schedule of items and bills of quantities:Bills of Quantities (BQ) are an output which represents the existence of Quantity Surveyors(QS) in the world of construction. It symbolizes technique and the extent of details posses by the QS and at the same time, a portrayal of meticulous effort made to the construction industry. Typical B/Qs were formed through amalgamation of various bills which represent itemize breakdown of a construction project. One of the key elements of a bill is the item description for

e) Owner's General and Special Conditions of Contact: A general contractor (main contractor, prime contractor) is responsible for the day-to-day oversight of a construction site, management of vendors and trades, and communication of information to involved parties throughout the course of a building project.

f) Specimen of Earnest Money Guarantee:A deposit made to a seller showing the buyer's good faith in a transaction. Often used in real estate transactions, earnest money allows the buyer additional time when seeking financing. Earnest money is typically held jointly by the seller and buyer in a trust or escrow account.An earnest money deposit shows the seller that a buyer is serious about purchasing a property. When the transaction is finalized, the funds are put toward the buyer's down payment. If the deal falls through, the buyer may

Q3) What Should is the Terms of Payment for Erection? (Marks 4)

Payment under a Turnkey Contract?

Answer: Payment for the supplies (proportional payments in the case of partial deliveries of items or elements independent from each other) is to be made in the supplier’s country, by the methods and dates advised in the acknowledgement, with exchange risks being assumed by the buyer, whichever payment method is chosen. In the case of settlement by draft or bill of exchange, the discount interest, and corresponding bank charges and commissions, are for the account of the buyer. The interest rate is to be the

Q4) What is Cash Flow Statement? (Marks 3)

Answer: Complementing the balance sheet and income statement, the cash flow statement (CFS), a mandatory part of a company's financial reports since 1987, records the amounts of cash and cash equivalents entering and leaving a company. The CFS allows investors to understand how a company's operations are running, where its money is coming from, and how it is being spent. Here you will learn how the CFS is structured and how to use it as part of your analysis of a company.

Q5) What Are the Different Types of Contracts? (Marks 4)

Answer: The purpose of a contract is to establish the agreement that the parties have made and to fix their rights and duties in accordance with that agreement. The courts must enforce a valid contract as it is made, unless there are grounds that bar its enforcement.

Q6) Explain the flowing in Brief? (Marks 16)

Answer: a) Piece Rate Work (PRW):Piece work (or piecework) is any type of employment in which a worker is paid a fixed piece rate for each unit produced or action performed regardless of time. When paying a worker, there are four methods that can be used: paid by the hour (known as ‘time work’); paid an annual salary, under a contract for a basic number of hours each year (known as ‘salaried hours’); paid by the piece – the

b) Item Rates Contract:A Rate Contract or a Rate Agreement (RC in short) is a procurement cost reduction strategy aimed at standardizing procurement prices for commonly procured, homogenous and price varying inputs.A rate contract is usually attempted when a global sourcing effort is not feasible, due to financial or operational

c) Lump sum Contract: A lump sum contract (or stipulated sum contract) is the traditional means of procuring construction, and still the most common form of construction contract. Under a lump sum contract, a single ‘lump sum’ price for all of the works is agreed before the works begin.

It is generally appropriate where the project is already well defined when tenders are sought and changes are unlikely. This means that the contractor is able to accurately price the risk they are being asked to accept.

d) Cost plus Contract:An agreement to pay a company for a job based on the amount of money used to buy the materials required to complete that job plus an added payment. A cost-plus contract fully reimburses a contractor for the cost of materials and then adds additional money to arrive at the total cost of the job. Cost-plus contracts are commonly used in research and development activities, where it is difficult to

e) Turnkey Contract: A turnkey contract is a business arrangement in which a project is delivered in a completed state. Rather than contracting with an owner to develop a project in stages, the developer is hired to finish the entire project without owner input. The builder or developer is separate from the final owner or operator, and the project is turned over only once it is fully operational. In effect, the developer is finishing the project and “turning the key” over to the new owner.

f) Network Analysis or Flow Chart (CPM/CPA/PERT):  Network analysis is the analyzation of networks through graph theory. The network can actually be a traditional computer network, home network, wireless network, transportation network, or biological network, among others. It often acts as a network management tool for breaking down projects into components, or individual activities, and

g) Quality Assurance and wastage Control:To accurately assess quality and control costs, data collection objectives must be defined precisely. Different professionals will have different objectives. Researchers, for example, may want to determine the speciation (precise chemical form) of metals since such information is critical for determining the environmental fate of metals. Regulators, who require data to

h) Completion of Erection or Installation and Preliminary Acceptance: One of the most important steps in the administration of a construction project is the granting of formal acceptance upon the project's completion (acceptance). It is important for project owners and contractors to understand the regulatory requirements of acceptance in order to define their rights and obligations in the acceptance process,

Q7) Explain the Manpower Requirement procedure. (Marks 6)
Answer: Employees are the most important asset for a business. They serve to create or promote an organization's culture, and they significantly affect the success of a business. In challenging economic times, the cost of hiring inefficient personnel may prove to be detrimental to the profitability

a) Recruitment:A needs analysis initiates the manpower recruiting process. This phase entails identifying a vacant position or creating one to meet new needs that have arisen in the organization --- this may be an entry-, mid- or upper-level management position. The employer then develops a job description

b) Policy:The processing phase entails going through the applications and resumes submitted by the prospective employees. This phase helps the employer to identify candidates who are suitable for the initial interview, which may be conducted over the phone or face to face. The processing phase also entails the actual interview

c) Interview and Selection:The elimination process entails matching the data received during the interviews with the initial needs identified for the vacant position. This enables the employer to narrow down the list of interviewed applicants and to choose the most qualified person from the pool of applicants.

Q8) Explain the checklist for a contractor? (Marks 3)
Answer: Hiring the right contractor is one of the most important decisions you can make, whether your projects is small, such as a room addition, or large such as a whole house build. Contractors don’t just do home construction; they may be employed to take care of projects such as landscaping, various levels of renovation, garage or barn building or fencing. The following checklist may help you select a contractor who will stay

Q9) Prepare A bar chart and manpower recourses (Marks 8)
Answer: Bar graphs are good for showing how data change over time. Advantages of Bar graphs are:
·         Show each data category in a frequency distribution
·         Display relative numbers or proportions of multiple categories
·         Summarize a large data set in visual form
·         Clarify trends better than do tables
·         Estimate key

Q10) Prepare an organization chart for an erection job site? (Marks 4)

Answer: An organizational chart (often called organization chart, org chart, organigram(me), or organogram) is a diagram that shows the structure of an organization and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs. The term is also used for similar diagrams, for example ones showing the different elements of a

Q11) Explain in brief the special attributes of a construction Manager with the help of the following points? (Marks 7)
Answer: Construction firms need the capacity to execute projects quickly, to design and build facilities that are environmentally sustainable or “green,” and to do so at a competitive cost. They need to find ways to

a) As a leader:Although an effective leader is said to share problem-solving responsibilities with the team, we expect our

b) As a planner:All of these skills are essential. Applicable to effectively managing and controlling the triple constraint across the lifecycle of the project, we must also emphasize the significance of adaptability and

c) As a decision maker:Project managers need to make decisions on how to balance competing claims between the different stakeholders in projects. Previous studies have suggested that the choice of decision-making strategies is highly related to stakeholders' attributes and behaviors in practice; however, limited

d) As a disciplinarian:Visionaries thrive on change and being able to draw new boundaries. It was once said that a leader is someone who "lifts us up, gives us a reason for being and gives the vision and spirit to change."

e) His past Experience:To know something by intuition is to know something through introspection or an immediate awareness. In this way, some argue that it is impossible to justify, or that as it is immediately evident it requires no further justification. Some people are regarded as more intuitive than others, with intuitive people

f) His style of management and leadership:
·         Visionary: This style is most appropriate when an organization needs a new direction. Its goal is to move people towards a new set of shared dreams. “Visionary leaders articulate where a group is going, but not how it will get there – setting people free to innovate, experiment, take calculated risks,” write Mr.Goleman and his coauthors.
·         Coaching: This one-on-one style

g) His authority:The construction manager shall have the authority to require the prompt execution of other work, whenever such action may be necessary in his opinion to insure the proper execution of the

Q12) Write a short note on the following? Any 10 (Marks 20)
Answer: a) Dealing with owner supplies: There is a popular conception that we should support small local business people rather than large corporate stores such as Best Buy, Costco, etc., because the small

b) Measurement, billing and collection:Although it’s nice to measure your collections as a percent of gross charges (commonly referred to as the gross collection rate), you can’t use the result to judge the performance

c) Cost Control: Cost is important to all industry. Costs can be divided into two general classes; absolute costs and relative costs. Absolute cost measures the loss in value of assets. Relative cost involves a comparison between the chosen course of action and the course of action that was rejected. This

d) Malpractices: In the law of torts, malpractice is an "instance of negligence or incompetence on the part of a professional".  Types include medical malpractice ("A doctor's failure to exercise the degree of care and skill that a physician or surgeon of the same medical specialty would use under similar

e) Guarantee tests.

f) Commissioning manual:In 1977, a Building Commissioning Section was established in the Facilities Maintenance Division of the former Property Administration Branch of the former Public Works Canada. This Building Commissioning Section recognised the need for early involvement in the Project Delivery System (PDS

g) Final acceptance: It is the formal acceptance of a contractor's completed construction project by the owner, upon notification from an architect that the job fulfills the contract requirements. Final acceptance is often accompanied bya final payment agreed upon in the contract.Consistent with the common law,

h) Maintenance:Maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) or maintenance, repair, and overhaul involves fixing any sort of mechanical, plumbing or electrical device should it become out of order or broken (known as repair, unscheduled, or casualty maintenance). It also includes performing routine actions which keep the device in working order (known as scheduled maintenance) or prevent trouble from arising (

i) Operation and maintenance manual and as-built drawings: An operation and maintenance (O&M) manual is a valuable tool. It defines the requirements and procedures for the effective operation, maintenance, decommissioning and demolition of the building, and includes details of the building’s construction, history and maintenance, instructions for its operation and maintenance, and

j) Envoi mental care:A health service reflects many of the changes taking place in the society it serves.  Whereas the fundamental task of the doctor and nurse remains much as ever, management repeatedly redefines its philosophies, goals and techniques. Strategic planning, centralised decisions, devolution, large organisations, small and closely focused ones, democratic representation of the community or

k) Check list for compliance and follow-up: A retrospective review of charts meeting strict criteria was performed. The following variables were identified: method used to arrange follow-up, age, sex, consultant contacts, distance from patient's residence to hospital, previous physician, recommended time to clinic return, and funding source. Compliance was assessed using the outpatient registration computer data base.

Inclusion criteria were age between

Q13) Prepare the following reports? (Marks 15)

a) Report by supervisor on employee’s misconduct:Many small businesses don’t establish a computer usage policy until the need arises for one. Likewise, many small companies deal with employee misconduct on a case-by-case basis. If you find yourself in the latter category and now have been advised to write an official employee misconduct report, develop some straightforward procedures that you can follow

b) Charge sheet: A charge-sheet is a document which sets out the allegations of misconduct, misbehavior, indiscipline, lack of interest, negligence etc. on the part of the employee which he should not have committed in contravention of existing rules of the organization. It is a document which should form the basis for subsequent enquiry proceedings.

A Chargesheet is a formal document of accusation prepared by law-enforcement agencies in India and Bangladesh. It is

c) Notice of domestic Enquire:Domestic enquiry is a discplinary procedure to be followed by all the establishments whenever they are willing to take strong action against employee. This enquiry is based on the principle of natural justice and has to be conducted unbiased manner.  Hence for your service industry also it is applicable. The court look for rendering principle of natural justice in any adverse action by the principal employer. It is very necessary to conduct an unbaised domestic enquiry before taking any punitive action against an employee.

The steps are:

d) Appointment of enquires officer:Whenever the Disciplinary Authority is of the opinion that there are grounds for inquiring into the truth of any imputation of misconduct or misbehaviour against a Government servant, it may itself inquire into, or appoint under this rule or under the provisions of the Public Servant (Inquiries) Act, 1850, as the case may be, an authority to inquire into the truth thereof.


e) Intimation of punishment.

Warning Letter in case of absence without information

Date: ____________


Sub. – Warning Letter


It has been observed that you have proceeded on leave without prior permission of the concerned authorities, resulting in willful insubordination and gross negligence of duties, in your capacity as Designation.

Absenting yourself from duties without prior intimation is a misconduct for which you are making yourself liable for necessary action.

Q14) Differentiae the following? (Marks 6)

a) Advantages and disadvantages of buying

Answer: Advantages: There are many advantages to purchasing a vehicle. First, you can modify your car in whatever manner you choose, including painting the vehicle and adding any after market accessories you'd like. What's more, some would argue that buying a vehicle versus leasing a vehicle is a more economical avenue from a dollars-and-cents perspective in essence, you may pay less for a vehicle during the lifetime of a loan than you do if you lease multiple vehicles over a cyclical period of years.

b) Advantages and disadvantages of leasing.

Answer: Advantages: For the most part, leasing provides an opportunity for people to drive more expensive vehicles for less money each month. Additionally, leasing allows consumers to drive a new vehicle every few years depending on the length of the lease program. Moreover, most leased vehicles are comprehensively covered under a manufacturer's warranty during the length of the lease, allowing consumers to own a more expensive vehicle without the worry of large maintenance and repair bills.

c) Advantages and disadvantages of Hiring.

Advantages to hiring full time employees

When you hire full time employees, they will work for you thirty or more hours a week (fewer hours makes them part-time) and will usually have a long-term commitment to you and your business. The advantages to this type of relationship for you, the employer, are:

·         These employees will feel pride in

Q15) Describe the world banks checklist for pre-qualification Submission. With the help of following points?

Answer: a) What are the requirements for applicants to submit in respect of their organization and legalbasis?

Every employer, employment agency, and labor organization subject to this title shall
(1) make and keep such records relevant to the determinations of whether unlawful employment practices have been or are being committed,
(2) preserve such records for such periods, and
(3) make such reports there-from as the Commission shall prescribe by regulation or order, after public hearing, as reasonable, necessary

b) Which financial information should be required of applicants?

Employers may acquire the information necessary for completion of items 5 and 6 of Report EEO-1 either by visual surveys of the work force, or at their option, by the maintenance of post-employment records as to the identity of employees where the same is permitted by State law. In the latter case, however, the Commission recommends the maintenance of a permanent record as to the racial or ethnic identity of an individual for purpose of completing the report form only where the employer keeps such records separately

c) What basis the technical qualifications should be evaluated?

·         Devise and implement Division policy; review policy recommendations that affect the Division and Bureau missions; consider political, social, economic, technical, and administrative factors that potentially impact recommended policies; and formally recommend action to the approving official;
·         Lead the development of litigation support procedures and the Division staff and contract employees who provide litigation support services for the Bureau;
·         Oversee the provision of on-the-

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