BBA104 BB0035–Quantitative Techniques in Business

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Bachelor of Business Administration-BBA Semester II
BBA104/BB 0035–Quantitative Techniques in Business
Assignment Set- 1

Q.1. What is a questionnaire? Discuss the main points that you will take into account while
drafting a questionnaire?

b. What do you mean by classification? What purpose does it serve?

ANSWER: The ‘questionnaire’ is a proforma containing a sequence of questions relevant to a statistical enquiry. Since the questionnaire is the only medium of communication between the investigator and the respondents, it must be designed or drafted with utmost care and caution so that all relevant and essential information for the enquiry may be collected without any difficulty, ambiguity, and vagueness. Designing a questionnaire, therefore, requires a high degree of skill and experience on the part of the investigator. The following points should be observed in drafting the questionnaire:

1) The questionnaire should be as short as possible. Many

Q.2. what do you mean by measures of dispersion? What purpose do they serve?

b. What are the characteristics of a good measure of dispersion?

ANSWER: The word dispersion is used to describe the “degree of heterogeneity” in the data. It is an essential characteristic indicating the extent to which observations vary among themselves. The dispersion of a given set of observations will be zero only when all of them are equal.

A business head may be interested to know the average sales of each product and the amount of fluctuations in average sales because he is not only interested in the average level of performance but also in the variability of such performance. By knowing the variability he can take into consideration this aspect for decision making purposes.

Q.3. What is scatter diagram? How does it help in ascertaining the nature and degree of linear correlation between two variables?
ANSWER:The Scatter diagram

When statistical data relating to the simultaneous measurements of two variables are available, each pair of observations can be geometrically represented by a point on the graph paper. The values of the one variable will be shown along the x-axis and the other variable along Y-axis. If these are n pairs of observations, finally the graph paper will contain n points. This diagramm

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1 comment:

  1. Great information!! The bba distance education is like boon to those students who want to pursue their degree in the field of business. But doesn't because of some problems. Its really helpful to them. Thanks for Sharing...


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