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1 Explain the various types of Consumer and Business to Business (B2B) market research.
Answer:-Types of Consumer market research
Purpose Advertising and promotion research
To gauge customer responses to the promotional measures undertaken by the company as well as the effectiveness of each measure.
Customer satisfaction studies
To determine the level of customer satisfaction with the quality of your product and the way you sell it and deal with your customers.

2 Measurement can be defined as assigning symbols or numbers to characteristics of objects. Scaling may be considered an extension of measurement. It helps an investigator to quantify the variables and assigning ranks to the items or subjects selected. Discuss the four primary scales of Measurement.
Answer:-Definition of Primary scales of Measurement
A primary scale of measurement is defined as assignment of numbers to theobjects, items, or events as per guidelines or rules or parameters. There arefour primary scales of measurement as given below:
1.      Nominal scale
2.      Ordinal scale
3.      Interval scale
4.      Ratio scale
Each of these scales of measurement provides specific scaling properties(assignment, order, distance and origin). Let’s discuss each one of them.
Explanation of Four scales of measurement
1.      Nominal scale
In this type of scaling, symbols and labels are used to mark things. Thepurpose of marking numbers, symbols, labels etc. is not to establish anorder but it is to simply put labels in order to identify events and count theobjects and subjects. This measurement scale helps in classifying individuals, companies, products, brands or other entities into categorieswhere there is no implication of order. It is referred to as a categorical scale.
It can be used for measuring central tendency- mode. However, for testingsignificance, Chi-square test is used frequently. Example: Which of the following food items do you purchase at least onceper month? (Please tick)
1. Rice
2. Milk
3. Vegetable oil
4. Toothpaste
·         It has no arithmetic origin.
·         It shows no order or distance relationship.
·         It distinguishes things by putting them into various groups.
Use: This scale is generally used in conducting surveys and ex-post-factoresearch.
2.      Ordinal scale
This scale is used to arrange things in order. In qualitative researches, rank ordering is used to rank characteristics units from the highest to the lowest.
·         The ordinal scale ranks the things from the highest to the lowest.
·         Such scales are not expressed in absolute terms.
·         The difference between adjacent ranks is not equal always.
·         For measuring central tendency, median is used.
·         For measuring dispersion, percentile or quartile is used.
Along with the continuum of the characteristics which are to be scaled, itinvolves the ranking of individuals, attitudes or items.
Example: If a researcher asks consumers to rank 5 brands of soaps inorder of preference he/she might obtain responses as shown intable 6.1.
Table 6.1: Ordinal ScaleBrand Order of preference
A 2
B 5
C 3
D 1
E 4
From the above information, researcher can get to know which brand ispreferred or the order of preference but not how much more one brandis preferred to another. All the information which a nominal scale cangive could be given by ordinal scale. Along with this median, quartile andpercentile can also be determined. It is possible to test for ordercorrelation with ranked data.
3.      Interval scale
This scale uses the principle of "equality of interval" i.e., the intervals areused as the basis for making the units equal, assuming that intervals areequal.
Researchers can justify the use of the arithmetic mean as the measure ofaverage only with an interval scaled data. It is possible to interpret the orderof scale scores and also the distance between them as the interval orcardinal scale has equal units of measurement. The zero point on an interval scale is arbitrary and is not a true zero. It is possible to add orsubtract a constant to all of the scale values without affecting the form of thescale but one cannot multiply or divide the values.Interval scales may be either numeric or semantic.
Example-(Numerical Scale): Please indicate your views on Kashmiriapples by scoring them on a scale of 5 down to 1 (Let 5 = Excellent;1 = Poor) on each of the criteria listed:Circle the appropriate score on each line in table 6.2.
·         Interval scales have no absolute zero. It is set arbitrarily.
·         For measuring central tendency, mean is used.
·         For measuring dispersion, standard deviation is used.
·         For test of significance, t-test and f-test are used.
·         Scale is based on the equality of intervals.
Use: Most of the common statistical methods of analysis require onlyinterval scales.
4.      Ratio Scale
These scales are used to measure actual variables. Ratio scale is thehighest level of measurement. Ratio scales permit the researcher tocompare both differences in scores and in the relative magnitude of scores.For instance, the difference between 5 and 10 minutes is the same as thatbetween 10 and 15 minutes, and 10 minutes is twice as long as 5 minutes.Given that sociological and management research seldom aspires beyondthe interval level of measurement, it is not proposed that particular attention be given to this level of analysis. It is sufficient to say that virtually allstatistical operations can be performed on ratio scales. A ratio scale isshown in figure 6.2.
·         This scale has an absolute zero measurement.
·         It is used for measuring central tendency, geometric and harmonicmeans.
Use: Ratio scale can be used in all statistical techniques

3 Explain the process of sampling and classification of non-probability sampling techniques.
Answer:-Definition of sampling
Sampling is the process of selecting a suitable sample, or a representativepart of a population for the purpose of determining characteristics of thewhole population. The main aim of sampling is to draw inferences aboutpopulations from samples, rather than a complete enumeration (a census) of the population. To study a portion rather than the

4 In today’s business scenario, the major aim of managers is to understand the stimuli or attitude which results in a specific set of reactions and they are responsible to measure and interpret before it occurs. Attitude measurement scales help managers in understanding consumer’s attitudes, beliefs, preferences etc. These scaling techniques are of two types: one is comparative scaling and another one is non-comparative scaling. Discuss the types of non-comparative scaling which is used widely in commercial marketing research studies with suitable examples .
Answer:-Explanation of Non-comparative scaling
Non-comparative scaling is referred as monadic scaling i.e. only one objectis evaluated at a time and no comparison is made with another object. Thisis the more widely used type of scale in commercial marketing researchstudies. Non-comparative scaling techniques involve continuous as well asitemised rating scales.
Types of non-comparative scaling
1)      Continuous rating scale :By placing a mark at the appropriate position on a continuous line, therespondents are asked to give a rating. The scale can be written on cardand shown to the respondent during the interview. Two

5 A survey or Research is a term which means analyzing the latest trends and collecting the related facts and figures for a particular research. Online marketing research is used by the companies to evaluate their sales performance. Discuss the types of Online marketing research.
Answer:-Definition of Online Marketing research
A survey or research is a term which means analysing the latest trends andcollecting the related facts and figures for a particular research. Onlinemarketing research is the process by which companies use the Internet togather data to evaluate how well a product or service is selling toconsumers.
Types of Online marketing research
·         Online survey

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