NMIMS 2020 - Brand management


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Brand management

NMIMS Global Access

School for Continuing Education (NGA-SCE)


1. First impressions matter and when you visit a supermarket, that becomes moreimportant. You see the shelves loaded with multiple products and usually if thepackaging is eye catching, then you are drawn to it and may even think about trying theproduct. Clearly packaging encourages purchase. Brian Wansink was fascinated by itand what were his findings?


Answer: Brands are everywhere in our life. A product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. A product is a physical good, service, retail store, person, organisation, place, or idea. A brand helps the customer to distinguish the goods of one producer from another. Let us understand the conceptual meaning of the term brand. A person is known by a name. Likewise, a product is known by a brand name, which enables the consumers to distinguish it from other products. A brand name of a product or service means many things to a consumer. It may mean a symbol of quality or it may be associated

2. Joanie wants to open a new store location 100 miles from her existing shop. Which ofthese strategies is she considering? Explain Ansoff’s Growth Matrix completely withthis example.


Answer: Securing competitive advantage, controlling market share and generating profitare not enough. Companies have to constantly look for growth and expansionbecause only this can give long-term sustainability in terms of market leadershipor position. Growth here does not mean incremental growth or change as isunderstood in stability strategies; this should be more visible or distinct. Growthor expansion may be defined as distinct increase in sales or turnover or marketshare (and also profit). Different strategies can lead to growth or expansion.These include penetration into the existing market, product or marketdevelopment, integration and diversification. Diversification can be in terms ofstrategic alliance, merger, joint venture and takeover or acquisition. Corporatestrategists have to consider all alternative growth strategies which are availableand choose the most appropriate one based on the company’s resource base,business assets and skills and the competitive environment.


Ansoff’s growth strategy

The Ansoff Growth matrix is a tool that helps organisations to decide abouttheir product and market growth strategy. Growt



3. Mother Dairy Fruits & Vegetables, a company with a billion-dollar (Rs 4,200-crore)turnover, has been a well-established player in NCR known for products the firm hasbeen largest seller of milk in NCR, with 65% of the revenue being contributed by milk.Amul entered Delhi market few years back and in 2011 with in a span on 4years itdefeated mother dairy in terms of market share. Amul procures fresh milk andpackages it. Mother dairy adds powder milk in its products to the tune of 40%. Thisspoils the taste of the product. Also Amul is credited with more awareness andknowledge about its products amongst consumers. Amul is a leader in the ice creamsegment of the country. Their capacity to develop products and gain market leadershiphelped them gain substantial share in the NCR region in the milk segment raisingquestion marks on the brand equity of the company. Mother Dairy has been marketleader in NCR for 35 years. Losing ground to Amul in 2011 in the milk segment isforcing company to rethink its strategy. They plan to increase their capacity and alsoexpand procurement of the milk. One of the regions whyconsumer shifted to Amul has been difference in the taste of the milk. Amul milk isfresh where as a portion of Mother dairy milk is reconstituted. Mother dairy sellsthrough its own outlets and home delivery is not possible whereas Amul used channeland home delivery of the milk is possible. Mother dairy milk price has been less thanthe price of Amulmilk, still a huge number of mother dairy loyals moved to Amul.Now Mother dairy is restructuring its strategy and systems to combat Amul.

a. What would you suggest to Mother Dairy for its revitalization plan?

b. What more challenges you foresee for the brand?


Answer: a) Brand image is the perception of customers about a particular brand. Image of any brand tends to develop over time. Brand image is formed in the minds of customers based upon the experience and interaction of the customers with the brand, interactions can take place in different ways and not necessarily only the buying or using of the product and service.Brand repositioning is undertaken in order to increase a brand’s competitive position and therefore increase sales volume by seizing market share from rival products. When repositioning companies can change


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