Essential of Management

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Name :                                                                                                                         Marks : 80
Course :Masters in Business Administration (MBA 4 Sem)
Subject : Essential of Management

Answer the following question.

Q1. Name the factors deterring departmentation. Also mention the bases of departmentation and give examples.
Answer : Factor # 1. Work and Process:
Departments should be created on the basis of work performed in the organisation and the processes involved in carrying out that work. If the work is simple, functional structure can be the basis of departmentation. However, if the work involves a number of processes, process departments is the suitable form of departmentation.

Factor # 2. Specialisation:

Q2. Discuss objectives of co-ordination.
Answer : Objectives of Co-Ordination:
The important objectives of co-ordination are as following:

1.       Harmony of Goals:
There is always a danger of conflicts of goals in the minds of the managers and workers because the perceptions vary from man to man. Therefore, the most important objective of co-ordination is to create harmony of objectives in the minds of the employees.
2. Total Accomplishment:
The other main objective of the co-ordination is to achieve total accomplishment rather than individual effort. It has been proved beyond doubt that total accomplishment is always much more than the sum of the individual efforts. Two plus two can be five or one + one can be eleven when applied to human resources of an

Q3. Give suggestions for making committee organization more effective.
Answer : A committee can be one of the most productive tools that an association has for goal achievement. But committees are also indispensable to the work of an association, enabling work to get done in the most efficient manner. But committees can also be incredible time sucks, eating up countless hours while not accomplishing much. According to Bain and Company, “At their best, committees are an efficient way of assembling people. They facilitate debate on important issues, and the can be effective forums for decision making. So the challenge is to manage committeees well; to get the most out of them while

Q4. Discuss steps of planning.

Answer : Planning is the first primary function of management that precedes all other functions. The planning function involves the decision of what to do and how it is to be done? So managers focus a lot of their attention on planning and the planning process
Planning Process
The planning function of management is one of the

Q5. Explain modern organizational theory (An appraisal)
Answer : The Modern Organisation Theory is of recent origin having developed in sixties and flourished in seventies. The source of inspiration for modern theory is the Systems Analysis. The modern theory has an analytical base, it relies on empirical research and above all has, integrating nature. It is highly constructive. The theory views the organisation as a system and studies it in its totality as a complex system of human interrelationships. The theory gives answers of many complex questions ignored by classical or neo-classical theorists.

Q6. Describe on the part of the subordinate difficulty in weakness of delegation.
Answer : Although delegation appears to be a simple process, yet in practice, many difficulties come in the way of effective delegation. These difficulties may be grouped into three categories which are discussed below:

A. On the part of the superior:

Managerial failure in delegation may be on account of the following factors:

(i) Feeling of perfectionism:

Some managers think that they can do the job better and for this reason, do not delegate authority. “I can do it better myself” fallacy hinders delegation of

Q7. Explain process of delegation

Answer : Delegation is a management practice that involves disbursement of duties and responsibilities among subordinates to ease down the work pressure at the top.
Delegation is effective when handled methodically, following all the steps involved in the process. The process of delegation is best understood, when explained in the form of a flowchart. So before reading further about how the delegation process works, it’s advisable that the readers download the sample delegation flowchart from the above given link and use it for reference.
Steps Involved in a Delegation Flowchart
  1. The process of delegation begins with

Q8. What is management? & its three distinct aspects.
Answer : Management refers to both an art and a science of attaining goals via people. Management involves supervising i.e. looking over what other people do and ensuring that they do what they should be doing. In a deeper sense, management can also refer to the process of creating and keeping an environment in which people work and achieve the stipulated goals. So basically, managers need to be very agile in their tactics of handling people with the changing business world. (Gomez, 26)

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